Movement Instructional

Movement Instructional

After recently seeing some poor movement form on IG, Luke has teamed up with Harry Woolford to run through some movement patterns and key points to maintaining your form across 5 core exercises.

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  • Foot Position: Just about shoulder width apart, with toes slightly turned out.
  • Hip-Hinge: Bend the knees slightly, push the hips back a touch.
  • Knee Track: Knee should track along toes, when bending into squat.
  • Goal: To get hips crease just below the knee.


  • Feet Position: Comfortable enough apart to go straight down with the back knee. Without shifting forward.
  • Glute Tense: Lightly squeeze back leg glute the whole way down.
  • Leg Drive: Driving through the front leg on the way up.
  • Goal: Maintain stability and levelled hips throughout entire movement.


Wider Chest Focus

  • Hand Position: Wider than shoulder width
  • Body Position: Drawing belly button up for a strong tight position in the mid-line. Avoid belly sag.
  • Down: Chest should touch floor first, before driving tall.
  • Elbows: Should be moving at a 45 degree angle away from the body.
  • Goal: Maintaining strong midline position with smooth down up motion.

Narrow Tricep Focus

  • Hand Position: Hands in closer under the shoulders.
  • Body Position: Same strong tension in the mid-line.
  • Elbows: Coming in towards the body, with Triceps used to drive up.
  • Goal: Continuing strong midline position with smooth down up motion.


  • Feet Position: Comfortable enough apart to go straight down with the back knee. Using the back leg for stability
  • Leg Drive: Driving through the front leg on the way up. Focussing on the Glute and Quad.
  • Goal: Loading into the glute on the front leg being more dynamic than the Split Squat.


  • Mid-line Position: Arms to the side and shoulders crunching up off the floor. Whilst drawing low abs down to the floor, pulling button to the ground.
  • Leg Position: Toes pointed and lifting legs up off the floor. Shaking shows the correct tension has been created.
  • Rocking: Little rocks back and forth from the mid-line, keeping tension in the body.
  • Goal: Maintaining the tension without getting disconnected in the mid-line. With ribs down and belly button drawn in