RECycling Week

It's National Recycling Week here in Australia, courtesy of the good people at Planet Ark. Obviously these recycling tips are relevant globally, and every week. Be smart and do your part.

Ask yourself, do I really need to purchase this? Reducing individual consumption decreases unwanted waste to landfill and the energy required to produce new consumer products.

Do the right thing and refuse to use single use products, specifically made from plastic. Look to use compostable or recycled alternatives and save our oceans and rivers from pollution.

Make an effort to reduce the total amount of rubbish created and consume less. Rethinking and Refusing items that threaten our environment protects our scarce resources and decreases CO2e.

Reuse what you can, when you can to avoid it ending up in landfill or polluting our oceans. Re-purpose items where you can, gift consumables to those that can reuse or repurpose. It takes time but worth it.

Taking care of purchased products during their life-cycle and repairing when required will give them longevity. Make sure you read care instructions and maintenance advice so your items last longer.

The last resort but a valid option is to recycle your consumer products through local channels that are set up to effectively and responsibly break down the properties in order to make new items.