Workouts - Foundation

Part A - Squat
4 sets - 90 secs rest between sets
15 Dumbbell Front Squat - 1RIR
Part B - Pull + Core
3 sets - 120 secs rest between sets
10 Lat Pull Down - 2RIR
15 Diamond Sit Ups - Bodyweight
Part C - Conditioning
For Time: 3 Rounds
18 Calorie Row
15 Goblet Squat
9 Burpees
Part A - Hinge
4 sets - 90 secs rest between sets
8 Dumbbell Deadlift - 2RIR
Part B - Push + Core
3 sets - 120 secs rest between sets
12 Dumbbell Bench Press - 2RIR
45 sec Hollow Hold - Body Weight
Part C - Conditioning
2 x 4 Minute AMRAP
(As Many Reps as Possible in 4 minutes):
6 DB devils press
12 calorie bike
24 wall balls
4 Minute rest between.
Part A - Hinge + Split
4 sets - 90 secs rest between sets
12 Dumbbell Deadlift - 2RIR
8 Dumbbell Step Ups - 2RIR
Part B - Hinge
4 sets - 60 secs rest between sets
Single Leg Glute Bridge Hold - Body Weight
Part C - Conditioning
5 Rounds:
20 seconds max sprint assault bike
Rest as needed between efforts.
Part A - Push
4 sets - 120 secs rest between sets
12 Push Ups - Body Weight
12 Cable Tricep Push Down - 2RIR
Part B - Core
4 sets - 90 secs rest between sets
45 Second Hollow Hold - Body Weight
Part C - Conditioning
8 Minute AMRAP
(As Many Rounds As Possible in 8 Minutes)
6 Dumbbell Power Snatch
6 Hanging Knee Raises
12 Calorie Row
Part A - Pull
5 sets - 90 secs rest between sets
10 Seated Row - 2RIR
Part B - Accessories + Carry
3 sets - 90 secs rest between sets
15 Dumbbell Arm Curl - 2RIR
50 metre Dumbbell Front Rack Carry - 2RIR
Part C - Conditioning
E3MO3M for 15 minutes
(Every 3 Minutes on the 3 Minutes)
150 Metre Run
12 Kettebell Swings
8 Box Jumps
NOTE: All in the same 3 minute window
Part A - Squat
5 sets - 60 secs rest between sets
8 Dumbbell Front Squat - 2RIR
10 Diamond Sit Ups - Body Weight
Part B - Split
4 sets - 60 secs rest between sets
20 metre Walking Lunge - 2RIR
Part C - Conditioning
For Time - 3 Rounds:
50 Skips
25 Wall Balls
10 Ski Erg
Part A - Pull
4 sets - 60 secs rest between sets
8 Assisted Pull Up - 2RIR
Part B - Push + Carry
3 sets - 60 secs rest between sets
12 Single Arm Dumbbell Shoulder Press - 2RIR
45 Second Hollow Hold - 2RIR
Part C - Conditioning
For Time:
100 Skips
50 Wall Balls
40 Calorie Row
30 TRX Row
15 Deadball Over Shoulder
Part A - Hinge
4 sets - 60 secs rest between sets
10 Kettlebell Sumo Deadlift - 2RIR
Part B - Push + Core
4 sets - 60 secs rest between sets
Dumbbell Flat Bench Press - 2RIR
40 metre Dumbbell Front Rack Carry - 2RIR
Part C - Conditioning
12 min EMOM
(Every Minute On the Minute for 12 mins)
1st minute - 150 metre run
2nd minute - 12 Slam Balls
3rd minute - 8 Burpees
4th minute - Rest
Part A - Push
4 sets - 60 secs rest between sets
12 Dumbbell Push Press - 2RIR
Part B - Hinge + Pull
4 sets - 60 secs rest between sets
15 Diamond Sit Up - Body Weight
10 Barbell Bent Over Row - 2RIR
Part C - Conditioning
12 Minute AMRAP
(As Many Rounds As Possible in 12 mins)
8 Box Jumps, 6 Bumbbell Front Squats, 3 Dumbbell Thrusters
Part A - Squat
4 sets - 60 secs rest between sets
8 Barbell Box Squat - 2RIR
Part B - Pull + Split
4 sets - 60 secs rest between sets
8 Dumbell Single Arm Row - 2RIR
12 (6 each leg) Dumbell Step Up - 2RIR
Part C - Conditioning
4 Rounds
10 Kettlebell Swings
20 seconds Assault Bike Sprint
2 minute Rest.
Part A - Pull
5 sets - 60 secs rest between sets
6 Assisted Pull Up - 2RIR
Part B - Push + Carry
3 sets - 60 secs rest between sets
12 Cable Stand Chest Press - 2RIR
30m DumbbellFarmer Carry - 2RIR
Part C - Conditioning
For Time: 2 Rounds - 40m Sled Push, 500m Run
Part A - Hinge
4 sets - 60 secs rest between sets
15 Dumbbell Deadlift - 2RIR
Part B - Push +Core
3 sets - 60 secs rest between sets
8 Dumbbell Push Press - 2RIR
15 Diamond Sit Up - 2RIR
Part C - Conditioning
2 x 3 Minute AMRAP
(As Many Rounds As Possible in 3 mins with 3 min rest in between sets)
8 Deadball Over Shoulder
15 TRX Row
Max Rowing Distance in Remaining Time
Part A - Push
4 sets - 60 secs rest between sets
12 Dumbbell Bench Press - 2RIR
Part B - Lunge + Pull
3 sets - 60 secs rest between sets
16 Dumbbell Walking Lunges - 2RIR
8 Wide Grip Lat Pull Down - 2RIR
Part C - Conditioning
8 Minute AMRAP
(As Many Rounds As Possible in 8 mins)
3 Jumping Pull Ups, 3 Push Ups, 3 Calorie Bike
6 Jumping Pull Ups, 6 Push Ups, 6 Calorie Bike
9 Jumping Pull Ups, 9 Push Ups, 9 Calorie Bike
12 Jumping Pull Ups, 12 Push Ups, 12 Calorie Bike
15 Jumping Pull Ups, 15 Push Ups, 15 Calorie Bike
Part A - Squat
4 sets - 60 secs rest between sets
8 Dumbbell Front Squat - 2RIR
Part B - Pull & Hinge
3 sets - 60 secs rest between sets
10 Neutral Grip Seated Row - 2RIR
15 Kettlebell Sumo Deadlift - 2RIR
Part C - Conditioning
For time: 400m run, 18 Kettlebell Swings, 18 Box Jumps,
300m run, 15 Kettlebell Swings, 15 Box Jumps,
200m run, 12 Kettlebell Swings, 12 Box Jumps
- Tags: Workouts